meditation in bendigo
GENERAL INFORMATION: Looking for help with meditation? Looking to improve your existing practice and understanding? Are you looking to learn a suitable style of meditation practice for you?
Meditation classes at Crusoeden Body Wellness Centre in Kangaroo Flat were suspended during the Covid-19 period of shutdowns and other restrictions. They may well open up again in 2022. In the meantime, I’m happy to help . . . read more
* Mindfulness for health: how did it happen?
* The ancient wisdom of Indian sages
David McRae’s book Freedom from stress and anxiety (2016) is now available.
It’s 144 pages are packed with practical instruction and information on many of the most effective, self-help and lifestyle approaches to reducing the effects of stress, recovering from anxiety and building resilience.
This easy-to-read book puts into one volume the strategies and information that David has been providing to people in courses, classes and individual consultation for over 30 years. Click More Info button, top of this page, to read an excerpt.
1. Online through this website
2. Just a few retail outlets, at this stage:
– Melbourne: Theosophical Society Bookshop, 126 Russell Street
– Brisbane: The Relaxation Centre bookshop, 15 South Pine Rd. Alderley
– Castlemaine: Stonemans BookRoom, 101 Mostyn Street
– Bendigo: Dymocks Bookshop, Bath Lane
None scheduled at this time
What is Meditation for Health?
Meditation, and particularly a mindfulness-based approach to meditation can bring real improvement in health and reduction of the impact of stress. A body of research results, and many personal stories attest to this capacity for meditation practice to be an important part of health care.
In our ‘Meditation for Health’ courses and ongoing classes you learn and practice these methods in very simple, easy-to-learn ways.
In some ways meditation for health and relaxation is as simple as just sitting down in a balanced posture; and then getting up again 10 or 20 minutes later. It can be approached that way.
For many people it is better to have some method to it, but still it is useful to keep the method as simple and natural as possible. Most of the ancient, true and tried meditation traditions have methods that are on that simple end of the spectrum. My experience with thousands of clients/students is that this simplicity is ideal. Our classes, corporate training etc emphasises keeping-it-simple so that it is easily learned and taken away as a lifelong life skill. The ongoing and more advanced learning is NOT about more complicated techniques—it is about coming to grips with the tricks that our ‘over-active minds’ play. It is about learning more about ourselves and how to deal with our minds’ objections to experiencing stillness and peace. (Read more)
Group Meditation ClassES
McRaeHealth is now in Victoria, since late-2017.
Classes, workshops and other services operate in Bendigo, Melbourne and elsewhere in that region. Any public courses will be announced on this site and McRaeHealth facebook page. Private or corporate courses can be arranged.
Register for our email newsletter (above) to be kept informed.